Thursday, September 6, 2012

#29 Am I full yet?

As I've mentioned, our office is surrounded by a huge variety of restaurants, eateries, cafes, delis, and food vendors. I stopped in one of the local shops to pick up some milk for the office. At the counter was a display of Fullbars. I have never heard of this product but it looked like a low-calorie snack so I decided to try it.

Today is the day I am actually eating it. It is a 1.59 oz bar, so it's about the size of a large square brownie. The flavor I chose was Double Chocolate Cocoa Chip (have I mentioned I love chocolate?). looks like a Rice Crispy treat with particularly large rice puffs. It has a very yummy, chocolately flavor. The bar is slightly sticky and very chewy.
Ok. So I kind of expected to be FULL. It did take the edge off my hunger but only for an hour or so. I think I would have been just as satisfied with a piece of fruit or any other granola type bar.
I'm a little bit disappointed because when I'm having a busy day I like having a quick snack food in my bag so I don't have to stop and buy a meal somewhere. Purchasing food at a restaurant tends to make me feel guilty because 1) I shouldn't be wasting the money, 2) the portions are way too big, and 3) I feel obligated to consume all of it since I paid for it. A great way to gain weight!
In conclusion I will say that if you enjoy food bars, you will enjoy this one. But it's not a meal replacement, it's a snack. An orange and a hand full of almonds would probably be a more satisfying and healthy choice.

1 comment:

  1. great review of full bars! it seems like the best way to go is the healthier way of just some fruit (nature's candy) or some crackers/nuts!
