Last week I was asked by a salon professional for a list of ingredients in each of our products. When she first asked, I thought she was asking me for an MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet), the information sheet required by federal law that lists content, associated hazards and proper storage procedures. She did not know what I was talking about. Every salon should have an MSDS for every product they use in the salon, from Windex to hand sanitizer to hair color and perm solutions. If your staff doesn't know what an MSDS then they should not be working on clients.
Fortunately, all of our products have the ingredients clearly listed on the bottle, but I must say I am deeply concerned for the safety and well-being of her clients if anything should happen. Everyone who works in a salon has the right to know what chemicals they are being exposed to and what the risks are.

I know I was taught about OSHA, MSDS, and Efficacy Labels while I was in beauty school.

If you don't know what these terms are, please educate yourself for the safety of yourself, your co-workers, and your clients. OSHA regulations regarding salons.
What is an MSDS?
On product labeling:
Please take this seriously. Salon professionals and clients have been seriously injured or become ill from repeated exposures to normal, every day use of chemicals in the salon without proper steps being followed. Don't put yourself or your clients at risk!
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