Today Iaisha and I went to visit Prestige Salon here in NYC to demonstrate the amazing e-Cure Treatment. Our model had dry, porous, overprocessed hair:

Our model had been shampood with a clarifying shampoo and dried before we arrived. First, I saturated her hair with M-3.2 until it was dripping wet.
Next, the S-series shampoo (our model loved the s-3 Sakura scent) gets mixed 50/50 with M-3.2 and shake until foamy and mixed. Massage this foam generously into the hair.

Cover the foamy hair with a plastic cap and place under the dryer for 10 minutes. While our model was sitting under the dryer, we demonstrated Pida, an exfoliant gel that gets massaged onto skin for about 30 seconds. After the massage, rinse off with a quick spritz of M-3.2. Pat dry and follow up with your favorite lotion. After our model tried it, everyone else wanted to try it too!
After ten minutes under the dryer, the hair gets sprayed with P-3.2, combed through to the ends. After 2 minutes, hair is rinsed until water runs clear. You can already see the smoother, healthier texture of the hair! There is no conditioner added to the hair after the rinse. Her hair is this smooth and healthy

because it is now infused with moisture. After gently but thoroughly drying with a towel, the hair is sprayed with M-3.2 by itself as a blow-out spray. This is the only product used in the hair. No gel, no mousse, no shine spray, no hair spray.
Look at how smooth her hair is! It felt soft and silky to the touch.
As her blow-out progressed, everyone was impressed with the dramatic change in the condition of her hair.
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