Thursday, July 12, 2012

#7: Celebrities I wish I could do an e-Cure Treatment on

There are a lot of famous people who I've seen on TV, in film, or in photographs that I look at and say, "WHO is that person's stylist and WHY are they walking around with their hair like that?!" Feel free to submit your own in comments:

1.) Donald Trump
Yes, he's a brilliant businessman, and I'd love to have lunch with him just to pick his brain a bit. But mostly I want to give him a shorter, tighter haircut with a darker, richer color.

2.) Don King

Another colorful character...but I want to shave it off and start over. Some P-4.1 and a good haircut would be very helpful here.

3.) Lady Gaga

When you bleach your hair enough to do this and then you bleach it out again to do this
                                                                     among other services like extensions, repeated bleachings, colorings, re-bleaching and the mechanical wear and tear of being on a dancer's head...well...what you end up with is this:

Which is probably the only solution. Hopefully, the new growth (assuming the hair follicles are not damaged and new growth occurs) will be treated more kindly. Gaga, call me so that this never happens again, k?

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