Friday, July 27, 2012

#17 On the Beauty Industry

Happy Friday! Another week of summer gone. Back to school stuff is in every store. The leaves are starting to change. But wait! We have the dog days of August ahead, and judging by the summer so far, it's going to be very humid and hot until mid-September.
I am so happy to have regular readers now. Did you know that my co-workers here at Armada-USA also have blogs? Check them out:

Iaisha writes

Mayu writes

Mayu's most recent post mentioned that because she works in the beauty industry, she is always looking for news on ways to stay youthful. She's right - those of us who work with hair, make-up, and fashion are constantly searching for the latest and greatest trends. A lot of fads have come and gone and come back as a recycled fashion statement. Thankfully the Mullet has not made a return yet.
Some products become classic: Noxema cold cream is an example of a product, created in 1914 that has not changed its formula in years and it still does the job.

Our products are considered new to the US Market but the science behind them is as old as the study of science itself. Not a passing trend, not some newly approved chemical - its as simple as the idea that opposites attract.

Of course, writing this blog and other articles does require some research. I use a variety of resources to keep up with what's going on in the industry. Primarily, I love Facebook and Twitter  because I can see instant updates from my customers salons, fashion show trends , movers and shakers (we do have some well-known celebrity clients) and even things like new medicines being approved and stock market trends. If a pharmaceutical company manufactures a new high blood pressure medicine that has a side effect of increasing hair growth, I want to know about it! I'm not exaggerating either: this is how Rogaine was developed.

If a commonly used ingredient in hair care products is found to be harmful, I need to know about that too. Fortunately everything in the e-Cure Treatment is all natural so we will never need to worry about that here.

I urge all of my readers to do your research and inform yourself of what you are putting onto and into your body. Stay healthy and enjoy the weekend!

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